Hurricane Relief
Recent events have left many grieving and in dire situations. Hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, fires, and shootings have filled the news. We are so thankful that in the midst of incredibly difficult circumstances, God’s people are working to bring good.
This year Destino cancelled our fall retreat in Texas. Instead we took 70 students from 8 campuses to Rockport and Port Aransas, Texas to do hurricane Harvey relief work.
Anthony Lopez, a Destino staff member in San Antonio, shared this about the weekend:
“The destruction of homes and business was heartbreaking. It was surreal to see restaurants and stores that I had been to from previous Destino trips that were completely destroyed. I had never seen anything like this before. What really moved me was hearing the stories of the people we helped. One couple had been trying to rebuild their home by themselves for three weeks! They were so moved by our help and our prayers that they broke down crying expressing their gratitude to us.
It was both rewarding and heartbreaking to be a part of this trip. I struggled with the feeling of being helpful but also wishing I could do more. In the end I was so honored to be a part of this trip. It was a privilege to be a part of the restoration of these homes and families. I was so proud of our students for giving up their weekend to come and serve others in a time of need. This is what we’re called to do, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To love and serve our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.”
Thank you to those who participated and gave to make this trip possible. Stay tuned for more opportunities to go and help meet these needs in the future. We also recommend engaging with the efforts of Cru and GAiN.